Falls Church, Virginia Office
313 Park Avenue, Suite 100A
Falls Church, VA 22046
Treating yourself to Sculptra® injections could be the best thing you have done for yourself in years. If you have lost the fullness of your face and look gaunt, maybe you need to have a Sculptra® treatment to boost your collagen production and make your face fuller and healthier.
Sculptra® is an injectable filler made from poly-L-lactic acid. This filler is used to correct the signs of fat loss (lip atrophy) in people who have lost their facial fat. It has been used extensively in people with HIV. However, it is now gaining popularity for use as a cosmetic filler for anyone who has lost the fullness of the face either due to weight loss or natural aging. Sculptra® is easy to inject, safe, and long-lasting.
Sculptra® is used by many plastic surgeons in Virginia, Washington DC, and Maryland, including Dr. Marefat, who has seen results with his patients.
Sculptra® is a synthetic injectable material. It is made from poly-L-lactic acid. It is biocompatible and biodegradable, but it takes a much longer time to be degraded by the body, making it popular with patients who want to have longer-lasting results.
By putting this material under the skin in the area of fat loss, the skin gradually becomes thicker. It may be necessary to repeat the injection several times to achieve the desired result, but once new collagen production is induced, the results are long-lasting. In some individuals, the results may last up to 2 years. Afterwards, you may be able to maintain the positive effects of this medicine by doing touch-up injections every so often.
Dr. Marefat and the staff at Metropolitan Plastic Surgery would be happy to help you set up a private consultation to discuss Sculptra® in Virginia. Schedule an appointment online or call one of our locations at 703-516-7600 (Arlington area) or at 703-560-9583 (Woodbridge).
Dr. Marefat offers a number of financial assistance programs and payment programs to cover the cost of Sculptra® in Virginia. Please visit the patient financing section of our website for more details or ask the staff at Metropolitan Plastic Surgery about these options so that you can get started with Sculptra® in Virginia today.