Description: This 76 year old female was unhappy because of the fullness and weight of her arms. She felt that she could not be as active as she liked. We performed a longitudinal incision arm lift and limited liposuction to make her arms less bulky.
Description: This 35 year-old-female had gained weight during her last pregnancy. She was dissatisfied with her body. Among her concerns was the fullness of her upper arm. We did a circumferential liposuction of the arm. No skin excision was necessary. She also did a Circumferential Abdominoplasty, Inner thigh lift, and Knee liposuction.
Description: This 34-year-old female underwent Gastric Bypass procedure and lost over 100lbs of weight. She was left with excess skin of the abdomen, thighs, arms and breasts. In the course of 9 months the patient underwent multiple procedures to excise the excess skin from these areas. Her procedures included a vertical incision abdominoplasty, thigh lift, arm lift, and breast lift.
Description: This 42 year-old-female had Gastric by-pass surgery, which left her with excess skin. She had multiple operations for removing the excess skin. One of her procedures was a longitudal arm lift. She also had a Circumferential body lift (Abdominoplasty), Inner thigh lift, and Breast lift with Augmentation.
Description: This 40 year-old-female had Gastric By-pass surgery. She wanted to have the excess skin of the upper removed before she did any other corrective surgery. We did a long incision arm lift removing the excess skin and fat of the upper arm. Limited liposuction was performed as well.
Description: This 42-year-old female wanted to reduce the fat and excess skin in her upper arms. She underwent liposuction and excision of the excess skin from a small incision located in the armpit.
Description: A 58 year old female who disliked the overhanging skin in her upper arms. She did not wish to have a long incision in the arm. She had an armlift using a axillary ( arm-pit) incision.
Description: This 50-year-old female was unhappy with the excess weight and skin of the upper arms. She could not reduce her weight by dieting or exercising. She wanted to short sleeve shirts without feeling embarrassed. She underwent circumferential liposuction followed by excision of the excessive skin of the upper arm through a longitudinal incision.